VOLKsHouse is an eco-house for people –– a viable response to America’s overuse of energy resources and the typically higher cost of green construction. Based on energy-conserving Passive House technology, VOLKsHouse is staging an on-going experiment in design and construction to prove that environmentally-conscious green living can be directly cost-competitive with conventional construction. Our goal is to pioneer healthy, affordable and energy efficient homes and to establish a new tradition of global eco-living. We aim to realize the economic viability of eco-building –– to generate market success and to grow demand.

Over time, VOLKsHouse LLC will work to advance energy conservation, eco-living, and, in particular, the Passive House global energy saving standard. In the near term our aims are: to provide instruction on the construction of a Passive House; to release plans for the VOLKsHouse 1.0; and to develop a Child’s Digital Passive House for interactive learning over the internet. Later, we hope to develop a Solar Village in Flagstaff, Arizona and a transportable/self-contained Passive Standard home.
VOLKsHouse 2 is being produced in partnership between VOLKsHouse, LLC, New York
and WAMO Studio, Santa Fe.
President of VOLKsHouse, LLC: Bob Schneck
VOLKsHouse LLC applies globally recognized Passive House standards and renewable energy technologies to create affordable, eco-homes. A high-performance, energy-saving VOLKsHouse with solar electricity and hot water costs the same or less than a traditional home and delivers a perfectly healthy environment, inside and out.
VOLKsHouse, New York / 917 530 2989 / Bob@VOLKsHouse.us / volkshouse.us

Architect: Vahid Mojarrab, WAMO Studio
WAMO Studio is committed to low-carbon and net-zero energy consumption projects. Building sustainably does not have to mean building expensively. WAMO develops high performance, Passive House certified projects at no cost premium.
WAMO Studio, LLC, Santa Fe / 505-412-1242 / vahid@wamostudio.com / wamostudio.com